Ways We Can Help You
The Service Dog Assurance Group, ACC’s mission is to help, educate and assist people with ADA and U.S. Federal Service Animal and Emotional Support Animal Laws, Rules, Regulations and Forms. Our mission includes providing necessary information and help to our Members so they can make informed decisions regarding their Service and/or Emotional Support Animals and supply them with the necessary tools needed to ensure they have all of the current Up-To-Date Information, Rules, Regulations and Forms!
There’s much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about ADA and U.S. Federal Laws for YOUR Service and/or Emotional Support Animal! We hope you enjoy our site.
Other Services Offered
Travel Preparation/Assistance
The rules of travel are constantly changing and it's almost impossible to keep up with the latest restriction. We are here to help by providing expert assistance and everything you'll need to reach your destination. Don't go it alone ... Our team of insiders know how to navigate these uncertain times. As a member you can reach us online anytime with questions, complaints and support. Buses, Trains, and Planes we protect your rights. Learn How - Join Us Now!
Housing/Landlord Issues
Where you choose to live is probably the biggest decision and your biggest expense. Your rights to live with your service dog is way too important to trust to a landlord or property manager. We have heard hundreds of horror stories from people who had their rights trampled and contracts broken by unlawful housing practices. Become a member so we can work to protect you and even save you money! We provide guidance, legal forms and documentation that ensure you and your dog are protected from fraud. We are the service dog experts and we fight for you ... Join us today!
Business Access Violations
Did you know that under U.S. Law you are allowed to be accompanied by your service dog anywhere the rest of the general public is allowed? We work hard to inform the public -- including restaurants, stores, public events and venues of ADA II which ensures that right. If you have ever been decline access or asked to leave because of your dog, becoming a Service Dog Assurance Member is crucial. Fight back against those who are ignorant of the law or even openly disregard your freedom. We provide insider info to turn the tables and get you the justice you deserve. Sign up see the difference!
Denied Access Issues
Have you been denied access to a public place because of your service dog? If you are like millions of other people, chances are that at some point you will be stopped from entry with your dog. Under ADA II, the U.S. statute protecting folks like you, being stopped or barred from access is wrong and illegal. We created The Service Dog Assurance Group to help folks just like YOU. To unlock our full-array of services, you must become a member. Once you join, you will learn from our team how to avoid the pitfalls and hassle of the ever changing guidelines -- But most importantly, we help you go up against the discrimination that service dog owners face everyday. Don't wait -- You need us now more than ever!
Demand/Cease & Desist Letters
It has been said that a perfectly worded letter is usually the best way to avoid costly legal issues. Join us now and gain access to our ever-growing resource of demand/cease letters. You get professional, yet forceful letters that really get results. Our proven staff in the legal community have advised what works and what doesn't. Now you can easily utilize our proven forms and letters that can greatly improve your situation -- quickly. Save time, stress and money -- We are waiting to help you Now!
Questions? Try "AnswerDirect"
Just have a question regarding your assistant dog? We have "AnswerDirect" ... Try this Members Only service that has helped those with specific questions. Our team is ready and waiting to provide all the answers you need. We do the research and have the experience to help you navigate these changing times. Ask us anything -- and get REAL answers from REAL experts. This is an exclusive service -- You must be a member to take advantage of AnswerDirect. Sign Up now and make your life easier!
Registration Services - ID Cards & Tags
Although we are not in the business selling assistance dog equipment we do encourage clear identification of your assistance animal while in public such as Vest ID Card. We have all the resources you need.
Legal Representation
No one wants to be caught up in a legal issue that takes your valuable time, effort and expense. But sometimes you have now recourse but to call on the justice system to settle your case. Don't get ripped off by a lawyer who knows little of your situation and has no experience with litigation of service dog cases. If your situation requires legal representation we can assist you. Our members are family and we can pair you with the perfect attorney to win your claim. We are not lawyers -- but we do have access to a large legal community who fight for your rights. You can win access, disputed claims and even large settlements -- BUT you MUST be a member. We know the law -- Let us help protect you and your dog!